Or, as the official site puts it: "Duffy improving after life-threatening freak injury."
Which makes it sound like it was a life-threatening injury to a freak, say, Papa Lazarou!
Anyway, on a more serious note, it's still unclear how the injury was sustained as it's only been reported that it followed an innocuous looking collision with his goalkeeper.
But the seriousness of the injury was such that at one point during the surgery, Duffy had 3.6 litres of blood in his abdomen...there's only between 5 and 6 litres in the human body!
The good news is that the young defender is now out of intensive care and could be discharged later this week.
But Dr Alan Byrne, the Ireland team doctor, has said it's too early to pencil in a date for the player's return to action and he will be liasing, along with Everton officials, with Professor Gerry McEntee, the surgeon who performed the life saving operation.
I'm sure everyone wishes Shane a speedy and full recovery.