Now it's Moyes' turn to get the praise.

Last updated : 24 October 2002 By Austin Rathe
It comes courtasy of the PFA and concerns, surprisingly, Wayne Rooney.

The PFA's deputy chief executive Mick McGuire said: "Wayne Rooney is a phenomenon who has come through so quickly that he still has a year of his scholarship to go.

"Wayne can clearly cope physically with the game because he has outstanding ability but as well as strength you need an all-round ability to cope with the demands of the Premier League.

"What is absolutely vital for players like Wayne is that they are brought up well, that they complete their scholar-ship programme and that they are used sparingly by the manager.

"David Moyes fully understands the need to keep Wayne's feet on the ground."

Couldn't agree more. I'm sure you guys will hear me say this again, but the people David Moyes has to watch otu for most is us, the fans, who will be putting pressure on him to play the kid when really his apperances should be strictly managed.