Man United are apparently planning to offer Everton Phil Neville in exchange for Thomas Gravesen.
Just read that again, allow it to sink in.
Yep, Phil Neville. The same Phil Neville who's clearly only in the Man United squad 'cos its always a "both or niether" deal on the brothers (they always sign contracts at the same time, you'll note!). I mean, c'mon, i'm better than Phil Neville. At least i try. And can form the odd sentence.
It's like swapping a diamond for a turd. Tommy, we love you (well, i do), don't you dare leave.
Everton haven't commented yet, perhaps they are still having there suddenly damp trousers dry cleaned.
I can only assume that this is a)a joke, or b) S'Alex has realised how much we screwed him on the Rooney deal and is up for some bitter attempt at revenge.
David Moyes was last seen sprinting away from Bellefield screaming "Not Phil Neville, you'll never take me alive....."