"We've been in touch with Chang and they are working on the ground already and doing a lot of things to assist in that area. We want to work with them and do whatever we can to help.
"We will be contacting the other Premiership clubs and if they feel it's appropriate to help us by donating to the fund we will give them a vehicle to donate to our fund because we have the people on the ground who can actually make a difference in the area.
"Fans from our club and others can assist by doing any of their own fundraising in order to help victims in Thailand, which has the biggest death toll of Brits in all affected areas."
The club has opened a designated bank account at Barclays and Evertonians will be able to go to any branch, quoting sort code 20-10-84 and account no: 90344907 and pay into the fund by cash or cheque, though due to logistics debit and credit card transactions will not be accepted.
Cheques, made payable to The Asian Disaster Fund, will also be accepted by post to Asian Disaster Fund, Goodison Park, Liverpool, L4 4EL and there will be a collection prior to next Tuesday’s home game with Portsmouth with further details to be announced.